Benefit races, camp planned
By 5K Run Walk

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

Macie Dye and Elk Lick Baptist Church will hold the Bro. Jimmy Kenner's Camp Crossway 5k Run/Walk Benefit on Saturday, April 17, on the; same course in Russellville as the Jesse James Run, starting at Sixth & Winter streets. Funds will be used to benefit camp building efforts for the Ottoe children of Oklahoma where former Todd County and North Logan pastor Jimmy Kenner ministers to Native Americans.
Day of race registration begins at 7 a.m. with 5K runners taking off at 8 a.m. and walkers at 8:05.
Preregistration forms must be postmarked by Friday, April 9/ The cost with a shirt guaranteed is $15, without a shirt $10.ate or race-day registration is $20.
Contact Heather Cross at 755-2116 or Completed registrations should be send to Heather Cross, 6039 Green Ricge Road, Lewisburg 42256.

The LoJo
Another 5K Run/Walk: The Printers Plus Mission 5K Run/Walk to benefit Mission 2K10 Haiti Orphan Housing will be held Saturday, May 22, beginning in the Bethel Shopping Center. Registration begins at 8 a.m., heading for a 9 a.m. start .
Early entry with a postmark no later than May 8 is $15 without a shirt and $25 with one. Those amounts increase by $10 for late registrations.
Funds are being raised to purchase engineered Metal Homes to be constructed in Haiti so that orphans can stop living in makeshift tents. A team will got to Haiti in the early summer to teach the locals how to assemble the homes. Printers Plus and Jesus 4 Logan County are working with Carter-Douglas Company locally and with Victory Church Olahoma to raise funds for the buildings.
Applications are available at Printers Plus and should be returned to J4LC-Printers Plus, 650 West Nith, Russellville 42276.
For information, contact Greg Head @ Printers Plus or @

The LoJo
The 2010 Cougar Basketball Camp will be held June 2-4 at the LCHS gym, Coach Harold Tackett has announced. Sessions for Grades 3-5 will be from 9 a.m. to noon with Grades 6-8 convening 1-3 p.m. The cost is $5 per camper.
Cam awards will be for One-on-One, Three-on-Three, Five-on-Five, Hot Shot and Camper of the Week.
The camp will be conducted by the Cougar boys' basketball staff. Campers will be grouped based on ability.

For information, contact Coach Tackett at or at 726-8454.

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