RHS kicking off Commit to Graduate initiative this week
By Kim McDaniel, Principal

Posted on January 3, 2016 9:45 PM

Russellville High School looks forward to kicking off 2016 in this most impactful way possible for our students! 

Our school vision is that all of our students graduate college and/or career ready and we strive to ensure that all of our decisions and actions reflect this goal/vision for our students. We are starting off 2016 with this very idea driving a jam-packed first week back with our C2G kickoff.  C2G simply stands for Commit to Graduate and we have a variety of activities planned for our high school students that will culminate in asking our students to make a verbal and signed commitment to graduating. 

We will begin Monday with our 9th grade students and conclude on Thursday with our seniors. This year’s seniors will be asked to sign a “white” graduation robe as part of the renewed commitment to graduate. They will then vote on the faculty member upon which they want to bestow the honor of wearing during this year’s graduation ceremony. 

Below you find more specifics about the purpose of our C2G program:


Russellville Senior High School

Commitment to Graduate (C2G) Initiative

Grade Level Meetings Agenda


Purpose: The Russellville High School C2G (Commitment to Graduate) Initiative is a purposeful, focused effort to provide meaningful moments and support for students centered on graduating high school prepared and ready for their future. The goals of the C2G Initiative include:

·Lower dropout rates

·Encourage a sense of pride for self and school

·Open the door to your student’s future

·Create a support system

·Engage communities and business partners

·Strategize to increase parent involvement in schools

·Embrace and develop traditions with celebrations of commitment

·Framework for each grade level

 These GRADE LEVEL MEETINGS are part of the framework for each grade level, 9-12.  The focus of these meetings is on the importance of high school graduation and that the effort is worth it!

 When: January 4-7 at 11:05 Students will report first to Advisory group for attendance and “prep” for meeting.  Advisors should welcome students back to school and advisory, tell them they will be going to a grade level meeting today, and remind them to be sit together in the center of auditorium, and pay attention to speaker(s).

 Where: Auditorium

 Who: Each day is devoted to a grade level, with an activity/focus specific to that grade.  We begin with…

·Monday: Freshman: Commit to Graduate

·Tuesday: Sophomores: The “Key” to My Success

·Wednesday: Juniors: The Tassel is Worth the Hassle

·Thursday: Seniors: We Got Your Back


Thanks to Mr. Brandon Blake for preparing the above agenda. We look forward to our kick off Monday during academic advisory. 

An integral part of your student becoming college and/or career ready is tied directly to his or her success on the ACT assessment, which is given to all Kentucky students during their junior year of high school.  If we had to identify one aspect of a student’s high school career that most directly impacts his or her academic or career success beyond high school, meeting the established benchmarks on the ACT assessment is definitely a major component of this process. 

We are working to ensure that we help prepare our students be as successful on this assessment as we can and have specific activities in place for working with our junior students very intensely during the next several weeks to help them be as prepared as they can be prior to the March assessment date. We are also working on some possible Saturday ACT “boot camps” in which your child can participate prior to March 1.

For our 9th and 10th grade students, we planned to set up a “mock” ACT session for each respective group this week so that these students have an idea of where they stand with respect to each of the four testing sessions. From there, we will begin focusing on specific areas of improvement and plans to assist students with their specific needs. 

We are also in the planning stages for a parent advisory evening to be hosted very soon that will showcase and highlight a great deal of what we are doing to help your child becoming college and career ready. We will also have breakout sessions during this event that will provide you with specific information and details on how you can help support our vision, as well. We look forward to having you on our campus for this important parent/teacher/school event.

Upcoming Events:


·RHS Girls Basketball vs. Logan (H) F/JV 6:00 MS gym

·RHS Boys Basketball vs. Todd (H) F/JV 6:00 HS gym 


·RMS Girls/Boys Basketball vs. Adairville (A) 5:30

·RHS Girls Basketball vs. McLean Co (H) JV/V 6:00

·RHS Boys Basketball vs. Ohio Co (A) JV/V 6:00

·Academic Recovery until 4:20


·Freshmen ACT Mock Exam 8:30-11:30


·Sophomore ACT Mock Exam 8:30-11:30

·All District Band @WKU

·Academic Recovery until 4:20

·RMS Girls/Boys Basketball vs. Todd Co (H) 6:00

·RHS Girls Basketball vs. Northeast (A) JV/V 6:00

·RHS Football Banquet @ RHS Cafeteria—The RHS Football banquet will be held at 6 p.m. in the RHS cafeteria. The meal will be catered by Roy's BBQ.Team members meal will be provided...all others are $10 each. Children 12 and under $5. Hope to see you there as we honor and recognize the 2015 Class A District and Region 1 Champions.


·All District Band @WKU

·Club Meetings during academic advisory—PEP, DECA


·Swim @Bowling Green

·All District Band @WKU

·RHS Girls Basketball vs. Todd F/JV (H) 9:00

·RHS Boys Basketball Freshmen Tournament Bowling Green

·Bowling Green Bandits 6:00 RHS Gym

The Bowling Green Bandits will be at RHS High School to play one of their regular season basketball games!!! Please come out and support this event. All proceeds go to the RHS Softball team! Tickets will be $6. You don't want to miss it!



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