Logan Farm Bureau holds summer picnic
By John Alcott

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

John Alcott is the long-time publicity chairman for Logan County Farm Bureau

The Logan County Farm Bureau Federation recently held its summer picnic at City-County Park in Russellville. Several elected officials and a staff representative were in attendance. This annual event gives Farm Bureau an opportunity to express appreciation to those who hold office for the work they
do on behalf of farmers.

Bradley and Frances Brown served grilled ribeye steak sandwiches to
complement the potluck meal.

Following the meal President Daniel Gaston conducted the regular Farm
Bureau business meeting. The 2010 Farm Safety Day was a great success. Nine Logan County Young Farmers will attend the Summer Outing to be held in Ashland. Nine members will attend the District 4 Summer Meeting at the Barren River State Park July 26. The District 4 women’s planning meeting will be held Aug. 13 at Chaney’s Dairy Barn, Bowling Green. Aug. 26. is Farm Bureau Day at the Kentucky State Fair.

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