Edna Hughes new president of Lewisburg Banking Company
By Jim Turner

Posted on January 21, 2016 9:17 PM

The Board of Directors of Lewisburg Bancshares Corporation and Lewisburg Banking Company has named Edna H. Hughes as the new bank President/CEO and Trevor Christian as Executive Vice-President/Senior Lender.

Billy Bingham has stepped down as president after nearly 12 years to accept another President/CEO position in Christian County. “The shareholders, directors and staff thank him for his outstanding and dedicated service to Lewisburg Banking Company. They also invite everyone to stop by and visit with Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Christian as they take on their new roles at LBC,” a press release on the bank’s Facebook page says.

“Billy Bingham was hired as President/CEO of Lewisburg Banking Company on May 3, 2004 and continued in this role until Jan. 19, 2016. His outstanding leadership and banking skills will be missed greatly by the directors, shareholders, staff and customers of LBC. Billy's civic commitments and the countless hours spent in volunteer hours over the years will also be missed by many organizations in Logan County. Please join us in wishing him well as he moves on to the next phase of his long and successful banking career.

Auburn Mayor Mike Hughes, who is the new LBC president’s husband, says, “We are all very proud of Edna and her accomplishments. Edna has grown up in the banking industry and has 35 years of banking experience. We wish Edna the best as she begins this new adventure. Her family could not be more proud. I know she will be a great leader for Lewisburg bank and the great staff that LBC has!

Billy, we wish you the best as you begin your new adventure as president of United Southern Bank. It has been a pleasure getting to know you over the past years.

The Main Office of United Southern Bank is in Hopkinsville. Among its branches are Elkton, Clifty and Trenton. Bingham is a Todd County native.

Mrs. Hughes is the former Edna Hadden. She is the daughter of Auburn matriarch Eloise Hadden and the late Vernon Hadden, who was a banker and served as an Auburn councilman. She is the daughter-in-law of Alvin and Erdene Hughes.

Edna and Mike Hughes have two grown daughters, Meredith and Sara, and a granddaughter, Harper.

Billy and Melody Goodman have two children who are student-athletes at Logan County High School, Will and Blayke.

Trevor Christian is a Lewisburg native and a graduate of Logan County High School. He and his wife Emily have three children. He is the son of Jimmy and Sheila Christian.



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