Michael Pape officially files for Congress

Posted on January 23, 2016 10:53 PM

Michael Pape, former District Director for Congressman Ed Whitfield (R-KY- 01), and now candidate for Congress to replace the retiring Whitfield, filed his official documents with the Kentucky Secretary of State Thursday.

"Today I officially became a candidate to be the next United States Representative of the First Congressional District. I have dedicated the last 21 years to serving the people of the First District as Congressman Whitfield's District Director. I made sure their voice was heard in Washington. I kicked open the doors of the federal government for the people of this District when Washington bureaucrats and career politicians tried to close them, and I worked every day to reaffirm my abiding belief that we have a government of the people by the people and for the people,” said Pape, a frequent visitor to Logan County.

"I am a fiscal and social Ronald Reagan conservative. I will work to pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. I will protect the unborn. I will defend the Second Amendment and pass universal concealed carry reciprocity. I will work to strengthen our national defense and border security. I will improve veterans' healthcare. I will reduce the size and scope of the federal government."

Pape continued, "Specifically, I will fight to defund agencies like the EPA's unconstitutional war on coal and its overreach in agriculture on the family farm. I want to replace Obamacare with an Affordable Care Act that actually allows you to keep your doctor and lets you choose whether you purchase health insurance or whether you pay out of pocket for care.

Pape pledged not to become a career CongressmanL "I will impose a term limit on myself of no more than 12 years in the House, and I will not take up residency in Washington but rather join approximately 40 other members of Congress who sleep in their office and return home as soon as the last vote is cast.

"I will also continue the exemplary constituent service that I instituted for Congressman Whitfield because I know that the best things that happen in America do not happen in Washington DC but rather in places like the First District of Kentucky. I will be the people's representative.”

Congressman Ed Whitfield stated: “As my District Director for 21 years, Mike Pape has been a dedicated servant to the people of the First Congressional District of Kentucky. He is well suited and well qualified to represent the First District in Congress. It is my honor to sign his official candidacy papers and to endorse Mike wholeheartedly in his campaign for Congress. Unfortunately severe winter weather conditions prevented me from joining him in person in Frankfort. I was, however, there in spirit and I look forward to helping him on the campaign trail." 

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