Minority representative sought on Logan superintendent search

Posted on April 5, 2016 8:34 AM

All parents of students of any of the Logan County Schools are encouraged to nominate a minority parent of children enrolled in any of the six Logan County Schools to be a candidate for election to the Superintendent Search Committee. 

Nominated individuals should have agreed to serve in the position, if elected.

The deadline for nominations is at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 7, 2016 with elections to be held at each school and the central office during school hours on Thursday, April 14 and Friday, April 15.

“Please consider making a nomination,” says former superintendent Marshall Kemp, who is the board’s consultant as it seeks a replacement for Dr. Kevin Hub, who will end his two-year tenure with Logan County Schools June 30.

To make a nomination, please email the following address: marshall.kemp@logan.kyschools.us or call 270-726-2436 and leave a message with the receptionist.

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