RHS forming Panther College Academy for next year's seniors to attend SKYCTC
By Jim Turner

Posted on April 10, 2016 9:37 PM

If the Russellville Board of Education grants approval this month, next year’s seniors at Russellville High School will have the opportunity not only to earn multiple college credits but do so on a college campus.

Members of the RHS Class of 2016-17 who choose to be part of the Panther College Academy and who qualify academically will be bused to the Franklin Center of Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College to take up to three classes per semester.

SKYCTC students work toward Associate of Arts and Associate of Science junior college degrees that transfer to WKU or any other state university in Kentucky. General Education courses will also transfer to state schools even if the student transfers before completing an associate degree.

Tuition at SKYCTC costs less for two years than it does for one year at WKU.

A parent meeting for more information about the Panther College Academy is scheduled this Thursday at 6 p.m. at RHS. Applications are due the following day, Friday, April 15.

RHS Principal Kim McDaniel has written an emailed letter to this year’s juniors and their parents explaining the concept. She also has sent them a copy of the registration form for the Panther College Academy. Both follow:

Dear RJSHS junior student/parent/guardian,

Thank you for your interest in the Panther College Academy. Please remember the PCA is still in the draft/planning stages and final approval will not be obtained until the April School Board Meeting. Our SBDM Council has already established the following criteria for the Panther College Academy (pending board approval):

·         Students must meet the Kentucky ACT Benchmarks and/or the equivalents in order to be declared college ready for this program.  

·         Students must complete this school year with a 3.75 GPA or higher.

·         Students must complete the application process, including the essay.

·         Students must obtain 3 teacher recommendations as part of their application process (2 of the 3 must be from current core teachers—math, science social studies, language arts).

The main purpose of this academy is to allow academically minded seniors an opportunity to begin their college careers earlier than normal while also completing their high school course work. As is stands currently, we are hopeful that our students will be allowed to take up to 3 dual-credit courses per semester. Special permission will need to be obtained for 3 classes per semester but considering the guidelines that we have established for admittance, which should be a problem.  It is highly likely, however, that students will only do two classes each semester. Either way, this is a great opportunity for our students or one we feel we should continue to pursue.

Our basic plan, as it stands currently, we be to transport our PCA students to the SKYCTC Franklin Campus at least two days per week. If our students are able to take up to three courses in one semester, that could change to four days per week. PCA students would not be required to attend school on Friday unless there is some special circumstance or need.  Some students may also qualify to leave before the end of the day—again, a great deal of the attendance will be based upon the individual needs of the students. If a student, for example, needs a course for graduation that is not offered at SKYCTC, then that student would need to make arrangements to take that course on campus. Once we have finalized schedule, then we will know more about the individual specifics.

SKYCTC requires that students meet the KY Benchmarks on their ACT Exams to apply for this dual credit program. Those benchmarks are as follows: English—18, Math—19, and Reading—20 (These are also the required scores for admittance into the PCA.)

However, in order to take the Math 150 College Algebra course, SKYCTC requires an act score of 22 in math. If you haven not scored a 22 on your math, you will be able to go with other students on April 22nd to the SKYCTC Franklin Campus to take the COMPASS Exam. This is an equivalent placement exam and a score of 50 or higher will allow you to take the Math 150 course. If you don’t make the cut-point but come within a few points, SKYCTC will allow you to enroll in the Math 150 course as long as you also sign up for the Math 96 supplemental course which is on hour long and offered immediately before the Math 150 course.

Please keep in mind that you must make a 36 on the COMPASS math test to be declared college ready for Kentucky, which will allow you to be admitted to the PCA provided all other areas are met. If you have met the math benchmark but you are only missing the benchmark in English or reading, you will be allowed to travel with the group that day to take just the COMPASS test that you need to take. While we are there on the 22nd, we will also begin the registration process and tour the campus.

I understand that this is a great deal of information to digest at one time. I also plan to have a parent meeting for interested students and their parents in order to further review and explain the process. I will send information about a potential date soon.


Kim McDaniel


Following is the application form for the Panther College Academy:




 Student Name: ___________________ Date: __________

Date of Birth: ______________

Home Address: __________________________________

Phone Number

Home: ________________  Cell:_________________

Email Address:___________________________________


Parent/Legal Guardian Information:

Father’s Name: __________________________________

Address: _______________________________________

Home Phone: _______________Work/Cell:_____________


Mother’s Name: __________________________________


Home Phone: _______________Work/Cell:_____________



All information provided in this application is complete and accurate.

Signature of Applicant__________________ Date_______


Personal Information:


1.     Total number of days absent during this school year:___

Explain those absences: ______________________________________________________________________________________


2.   Explain why you are interested in being a member of the Panther College Academy: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3.   What are your goals/plans after high school? ______________________________________________________________________________________


4.  Select how much homework you currently do each night?

___Less than 30 min. ___30 min. ___ 1 hour

___1 hour and 30 min ___2 hours ___2 hours +


5.   Select how much homework you are willing to do each night to be successful:

____ 1 hour   _____ 1 hour and 30 min.

____ 2 hours  _____ 2 hours +


6.   If needed, would you have a vehicle and DL in order to drive to the SKYCTC campus? ______________


7.   Please mark the characteristics that best describe you:

__Self-Reliant  __ Studious      __ Respectful  __Reliable

__Dependable  __ Intelligent    __Rational    __ Confident

__Diligent     __Imaginative    __Energetic   __ Humorous

__ Cooperative  __Flexible       __ Organized  __Ambitious

8.   Current GPA:______________


9.   Current/Highest ACT Scores for the following areas:












 What other current college prep data to you have?


COMPASS Scores:__________________________

KYOTE Scores: ____________________________


Student Essay:

Please attach your document to this packet. Your essay should answer the following questions:

1.     How will you benefit from being a part of the Panther College Academy?

2.  Why should you be chosen for the Panther College Academy?

*Essay/Answers should be typed and include no more than 500 words.

Teacher Recommendations

a.    Three favorable recommendations total.

b.   At least two of the three must come from current core class teachers (math, science, ELA, social studies).

*Use the forms provided.


Parental Permission:

I, _________________, parent/guardian of __________________ hereby give permission for named student to apply for the Panther College Academy. I understand, along with my student, that this is a prestigious and competitive process and that applying doesn’t constitute admittance. I also understand that my student will be transported from school the Franklin SKYCTC Campus during the school day and that there may be times when the student will have to provide transportation to the campus. Additionally, I understand and I am willing to be financially responsible for the tuition and other costs related to this opportunity.


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