Logan students earn berth on SKYCTC Dean's List
By Mark Brooks

Posted on April 23, 2016 9:11 PM

The following Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College students with Logan County addresses have been named to the Dean's List and President’s List during the Fall 2015 semester. To be named to the Dean's List a student must be full-time and have attained a grade average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale.To be named to the President’s List a student must be full-time and have a 4.0 grade average.President’s List students are designated by an * after their name.

Tracie Ann Abell, William Patrick Abell, Dylan Scott Anderson*, Jeremy Scott Anderson, James A Barry*, Jonathan Thomas Baugh, Charles Michael Bradley*, Shanna Kristen Coleman*, Camille Paulette Collins*, Daniel Phelan Denning*, Christina Marie Farmer*, David Earl Foster*, Monica Jo Greer, Holden Marcus Hudnall*, Laura Ann Hunt, Stacy Hartley Hyer*, Tammy Ann Inscoe*, Marybeth Ashley Johnson*, Jeremy Matthew Lewis*, Alyssa Megan Lowe*, Tyler Dale Lyons*, Brandon Lee Marcum*, Michael Aron Marshall, Baylee Nicole Martin, Michael W. Masterman, Joseph Alan McGinnis*, William Zachariah Miller, Katherine Ann Moore, Christa Nichole Obenchain, Mary Elizabeth Pedigo*, Nicholas Earl Scarbrough*, Judy Darlene Scott, James Scott*, Mindy J Smith*, Brittany Shae Staley*, Kaleb Seth Stratton, Carley Rebecca Utley*, Esmeralda Vargas, Courtney Leeann Venable*, Christina Marie Walker*, Leslie Ewing Watkins, Kaitlin Michele Wells, William Tyler Wilson*, Savanna Shea Woodall, Lane Thomas Woodward, Sean Paul Wright*


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