News Briefs on The LoJo for July 2016
By Jim Turner

Posted on August 21, 2016 6:02 PM

Jul 31, 2016

Bradshaw to announce his
college choice Thursday

Russellville Athletic Director Calvin Head has announced that a press conference for senior basketball star Pedro Brashaw Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in the RHS library. He will announce his decision on where he will be playing his college basketball after he graduates. The most sought after Panther basketball player since Squeaky Hampton in 2002, Bradshaw has a number of offers, including from Belmont and North Carolina Wilmington. His RHS coach is Phil Todd and he is very close to Assistant Coach Ryan Davenport.

Jul 29, 2016

LCHS All Sports Passes for new year available

All Sports Passes for the 2016-17 school year at Logan County High School are being sold for $100 each. The pass allows one person into all regular season LCHS home athletic events. It does not include postseason action or special tournaments. Passes can be obtained at the LCHS front office from Debbie Brown. Phone numbers and email addresses are required. Each pass will be numbered and signed. Purchasers are advised to call to see if Brown is available before arriving. The Logan County High School Cougar Foundation is working with the school on the project.

Jul 29, 2016

James Milam honored by Kentucky Bar

Russellville attorney James C. Milam was honored as a 2016 Senior Counselor during the Kentucky Bar Association’s Annual Convention in Louisville recently. This year the KBA honored a total of 165 senior counselors. Senior Counselors are those attorneys and judges who have distinguished themselves as such by virtue of having been admitted to the practice of law for 50 years or by having celebrated their 75th birthday. Milam was presented a certificate commemorating his service to the bar by KBA President Douglass Farnsley at a reception honoring the 2016 Senior Counselors. A video tribute in celebration of this achievement was broadcast at the KBA Annual Membership Awards Luncheon. Milam received his law degree from the University of Kentucky College of Law in 1966.

Jul 28, 2016

Logan Chamber to present
Women in Business Luncheon

The Logan County Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Women in Business Luncheon on Tuesday, Aug. 16, from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Extension Office with the theme “Sweet Success: Women Take the Cake!” The speaker will be Gigi Butler, founder of Gigi’s Cupcakes. She will tell her story and then conduct a Question & Answer session. Tickets are $20 per person and can be reserved by calling the Logan County Chamber of Commerce at 270-726-2206. Seating is limited.

Jul 25, 2016

McReynolds to receive national honor
from athletic directors' organization

Retired Logan County High School Hugh McReynolds is being honored as one of 10 recipients of the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association's (NIAAA) Distinguished Service Award to be presented at the NIAAA's National Conference in December at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. 

Jul 23, 2016

Rain, wind cause damage in Logan

Rain, wind and flood damage have hit Logan County in the past two weeks. Some residents have had to leave their homes until water damage can be repaired. Trees have been pulled up by their roots and limbs have been severed. Some of the most visible damage has come on the grounds of Sacred Heart Catholic Church at Sixth and Winter streets and at the corner of Ninth and Main streets in Russellville. Summer Street was blocked by a fallen tree Friday between the site of the former Russellville Middle School gym and the home of Charles and Pat Roney on East Eighth Street. Other areas of the county have been damaged, and ponds are appearing where they didn't exist previously.

Jul 22, 2016

Airport receives grant

Russellville-Logan County Airport Board will receive $33,884 in federal funds for the design of a perimeter fence and the expansion of an apron to provide additional space for aircraft parking. U.S. Representative Ed Whitfield announced the grants by the Federal Aviation Administration through the U.S. Department of Transportation. He said, “This enhancement will provide the opportunity for further growth and development and benefit the surrounding region as well.”

Jul 20, 2016

Culinary Arts Professor Mike Riggs of

SKYCTC judged best in nation

Dr. Michael Riggs, program coordinator and professor, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, Bowling Green was named the Postsecondary Educator of the Year at the 2016 CAFÉ/Sysco Corporation Educator of the Year Awards presented at the 12th Annual Leadership Conference of the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education (CAFÉ) in Chicago on June 23. SKYCTC's Culinary Arts program is considered one of the best in the nation.


Jul 18, 2016

Hearing for Auburn Amish men delayed

District Judge Ken Williams has granted another continuance to a group of Amish men from the Auburn area who continue to receive citations from Auburn police for refusing to attach waste receptacles to the rear ends of the horses which draw their buggies and wagons. Nine Amish men--all of whom are named Mast or Miller--were in court Thursday for a preliminary hearing which had been continued from May. Their attorney, Travis Lock, requested the continuance, and Williams moved it to Sept. 1. More tickets are being issued, Lock noted. One of the younger men has been issued five citations. After driving his horse three miles out of his way to avoid going to work through downtown Auburn, he was ticketed near the intersection of U.S. 68-80 and KY 103, which is in the city limits. Family members say as a result he decided to start going through town again. Many Amish families were in the courtroom, as were several other Auburn citizens who came to support the religious group.

Jul 17, 2016

All Russellville students to receive free meals

The first day of school for Russellville kindergarten through 12th grade students is Thursday, Aug. 4. Breakfast will be served that day at both the elementary and junior/senior high school. Every student will receive a free breakfast and a free lunch for this school year. Ala carte items and extras are not included in the free meals program, and students will need to bring money if they wish to purchase those items.

Jul 16, 2016

Brett and Andy Knifley win 4-H archery shoot

Olmstead archery star Brett Knifley had a very successful outing in a 4-H archery shoot in Marshall County Saturday. She placed first in bare bow class, first in bow hunter class, and first in target bow class!. She and her dad, Andy 'Soldit" Knifley also won the buddy shoot.

Jul 15, 2016

Pork grilling planned today
on the Russellvile square

Several Logan County leaders will be grilling pork for sandwiches and serving food beginning at 11 a.m. today in front of the Logan County Chamber of Commerce office on Carrico Park Square in Russellville. Proceeds will go to Concerned Citizens of Logan County for their tutoring and other after school activities for young people.

Jul 14, 2016

Blood drive in Auburn area to be held Friday

A blood drive is scheduled Friday for the Auburn community at New Friendship Baptist Church from noon to 6 p.m, sponsored by Church Women United. To register, call 800-RED CROSS or visit and enter auburn19.

Jul 14, 2016

Lewisburg SBDM Council to meet Friday 

Lewisburg Elementary School will have another SBDM Council meeting at 8 a.m. Friday at the school as the process of choosing a new council member continues.

Jul 13, 2016

Little Mr. and Miss Logan County

Fair Pageant set Tuesday

The Little Mr. & Miss Logan County Fair Pageant will be hosted by the Logan County Tourist & Convention Commission next Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the Logan County Extension Complex. Age groups are 0-5 for boys and 0-12 for girls. For more information, contact Logan County Tourism at 270-726-1678.

Jul 13, 2016

Lewisburg principal search underway

The Lewisburg SBDM will meet today (Wednesday) at 1 p.m. at Lewisburg Elementary School to conduct interviews for the open principal position. Principal Randy Marcum is retiring this month.


Jul 12, 2016

Zach Denney to pitch in OVC

Former Russellville High School standout pitcher Zach Denney will continue his college baseball career following completion of his junior college days. Denney was a key member of the Logan County Little League All-Stars who played in the Little League World Series in 2009. The last two seasons he pitched for the Lincoln Trail Statesmen baseball team. Lincoln Trail is located in Robinson, Ill. and is part of the Illinois Eastern Community College system. Now Denney will pitch for the University of Tennessee at Martin Skyhawks, an Ohio Valley Conference team. Coach Rick Robinson's Skyhawks finished 19-35 last season. Denney worked both as a starting pitcher and as a middle reliever this spring. Former Logan County and Greenwood softball player Aeron Smith is the starting catcher for UT Martin softball. Denney is playing for the Hopkinsville Hoppers this summer. The Hoppers are a member of the Ohio Valley Summer Collegiate Baseball League. 

Jul 7, 2016

LCHS Freshmen Orientation set July 19

Cougar Connection Day will be held for incoming ninth graders at Logan County High School Tuesday, July 19, from 9 a.m.-noon. Lunch will be provided by the Youth Services Center. “This will allow freshmen to kick off a successful transition to high school by meeting teachers, gaining important information, receiving schedules and getting free tee shirts,” says Cougar Academy Team Leader Amy Taylor. Parents can attend a session in the main gym from 11:30-noon. Information will be available on the school nurse, bus routes and school fees.

Jul 5, 2016

Logan Schools ask people to

adopt a back-to-school student

Logan County Schools are asking the public to adopt a student for back to school! Entitled Christmas in July, a flier says, “Many students in our area need help to have a great start to the school year. You can adopt a student and receive a specific supply list of what they will need, pack it in a new backpack to return to the school. We will also provide sizes if you would like to purchase them a new outfit to have for back to school.” For more information contact Adairville/Lewisburg Schools Family Resource Youth Service Centers, email or for Auburn/Chandlers/Olmstead Schools Family Resource Youth Service Centers email

Jul 3, 2016

July 4 fireworks show planned at Schochoh

A fireworks show will begin around 8:30/dusk on Monday, July 4, at the Schochoh Community Center! Rusty Martin says, "We had a wonderful turnout last year!! Special Thanks to Miles Farms, Orndorff Farms, Henderson Farms, Walnut Grove Farms, Hughes Farms, Robey Farms and Jason Brown with Schochoh Crop Service for making this all happen!" The public is invited.

Jul 1, 2016

July NAACP meeting postponed until July 8

From NAACP Chapter President William Woodard: "The Russellville-Logan County NAACP cancels the scheduled monthly meeting for Friday, July 1.The meeting is rescheduled for Friday, July 8, at 5 p.m. at the K of P Hall."


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