Remembering When: Panther Chatter December 1972
By Jim Turner

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

A new feature of The LoJo is looking back at school publications from years gone by. We have found some old copies of The Panther Chatter , which was the school newspaper of Russellville High School In decades past. We would welcome reviewing similar publications from Logan County High School or the pre-consolidation Logan schools.
December 1972
*Joe Emberger was elected senior class, Gary Wilson vice present and Ginny Pillow (Nylin) secretary. Junior class homeroom presidents were Steve Gilliam, Rusty Page and Steve Williamson. Secretaries were Donna Coleman (Spain), Peggy McEndre (Weldon), Jean Sosh (Reynolds) and Sherrie Farmer (Hancock). Treasurers were Van Noe (Moser), Vanessa Clark (Priddy), Mike Hunt and Darrell Higginbotham.
Sophomore presidents were Steve Switzer, Gary Hancock, Virginia Benton (now Paulette Smith), Terry Pedigo and Ricky Eggleston. Sophomore secretaries were Amy Lynch (Billingsley), Roger Hinton, Darla Long, Pam Shelton and Sheila McPhail (Edwards). Treasurers were Patricia Smith (Roca), Mark Hunt, Mac Johns, Nancy McEndre (Powell) and Terry Jureka (Johnson).
Freshmen presidents were Dale Clark, Rene Fuqua (Kilgore), Mike Robbins, Bob Williams and Bob Hedges. Secretaries were Dan Brown, Diane Gilliam (Walker), Forrest Killebrew, Cheryl Shelton and Rhonda Simmons (Miles). Treasurers were Beth Clark (Switzer), John Goodwin, Charlie Ray, Elizabeth Wilson and Jim Johnson.
*The Speaking Panthers finished third at Daviess County. Tom Williams and Kathy Mayfield won individual championships. Nancy McEndre (Powell) and Lillian Bryan (Riley) earned thirds and Steve Williamson a fourth. Other finalists were Nancy Smith, Bobby Johnson, Sherry Hinton (Violette) and Elizabeth Wilson. At Trigg County, Mayfield was a champion, Donna Coleman (Spain) and Joe Gran Clark took seconds, and Regina Moore (Williamson), Cindy Violett (Owen), Faye Hinton (Warden) and Cathy Williams (Ackerman) were finalists.
*Pep band seniors were Hal Williams, Johnny Wheeler, Joe Williams, Jim Kerr, David Morgan, Mike Duncan and Glenn Raymer. Other members were Rusty Page, Jimmy Allen, Bob Humphries, Steve Johns, Forrest Killebrew and Ronnie Johnson. Yes, all 13 were male.
*The Speech and Drama Club presented “Up the Down Staircase” on the deGraffenried Auditorium stage, starring Cathy Drake (Ackerman) as teacher Sylvia Barrett. Others playing faculty members at Coolidge High were Faye Hinton (Warden), Bobby Johnson, Joe Gran Clark, Steve Gilliam, Kenny Hancock, Janice Harrison (Belcher), Donna Smotherman (Heidel), Denise Polak (Robey), and Darlene Rhoads (now Patricia Payeur). Donna Coleman (Spain) had a leading role.
In the role of students were Andy Guion as Joe Ferone, Ann Threlkeld (Shifflett), Sandy Waters, Cindy Violett (Owen), Kathy Mayfield, Phillip Rogers, Joe Emberger, Sherry Hinton (Violette), Nancy McEndre (Powell), Nannette Posey, Van Noe (Moser), Debbie Hankins (Matar), Leslie Page, Tom Williams, Darnell McIntosh, Marianne Rhea, Bob Bruce and Steve Williamson. Lisa Hatchett (Cohen) and Darrell Higginbotham were also cast members.
Backstage crew members included Jill Kemp (Morris), Sherrie Farmer (Hancock), Patti Neal (Haeberlin), Sheree Bayles (Poore), Cindy Gregory (Coffman), Cecil Duncan, Dennis Sadler, Donna Skipper and Suzanne McCormick (Marshall). Jim Turner was the director.
*Cathy Wilkins (Ackerman) had one of the two highest scores in regional All-State Chorus qualifying. Also making All-State were Ginny Pillow (Nylin), Lisa Hatchett (Cohen), Patricia Smith (Roca), Kathy Pratt, Andy Guion and Joe Williams. Hazel Carver was, of course, the coach.
*Mrs. Carver also had four qualified for Quad-State Band at Murray State University. They were Rusty Page, David Morgan, Ronnie Johnson and Kevin McReynolds. Hal Williams was band president. Former principal R.D. Reynolds spoke at the banquet.
*NHS members took large boxes of ‘goodies’ to Rest Haven nursing home. Former sponsor Russell Collins was an invited guest.
*Student Council members attended the Kentucky Association of Student Councils state convention at Covington Holmes High School. Among those attending were Rusty Page, Bob Bruce, Gary Hancock, Steve Friedel, Lillian Bryan (Riley), Mary Wells, Doris Vick, Helen Todd, Bathsheba Taylor, Janie McEndre (Wilhelmus), Nancy McEndre (Powell), and Denise Polak (Robey). Sponsors attending were Matt Tipton, Peggy Reeder and Mike Roberts.
*Marie Turner’s biology classes engaged in formal debates on the topic “Resolved: The Medical Association should devote equal time to the research of spirochetes as to the common cold virus.”
*Despite two touchdowns by Bobby Kees, RHS football lost its final game of the season 21-12 to Bowling Green. He was honorable mention all-state, as were Andy Guion and Kenny Hancock, Sophomore Phil Todd was the only Panther named All-WKC. Joining him on the All-SKY team were Michael Gough, Garfield Arnold, Guion, Hancock and Kees. Seniors were Guion, Kees, Gough, Arnold, Kevin McKenzie, Ronnie Matar, Roland Cox and Joe Emberger. Speakers at the football banquet included Pike Coffman, Lon Sosh, Mayor Bobby Sawyer, Assistant Superintendent Jim Young, head Coach Wayne Shewmaker, Assistant Coach Buddy Linton, Athletic Director Wayne Mullen and Booster Club President Pat O’Brien.
*Five freshmen girls were chosen junior varsity cheerleaders. They were Captain Diane Gilliam (Walker), Meg Threlkeld (Hancock), Rene Fuqua (Kilgore), Hattie Sydnor (Bush) and Teri Hatchett (Hogan).
*Coach Mickey Meguiar’s basketball team got off to a show start, losing to Franklin-Simpson, Olmstead and Fort Campbell. Players named in stories were Charlie Richardson, Morris Kisselbaugh, Willie Wells, Phil Todd, Greg Owens, James Yarbrough, Pete Smith, Forrest Killebrew, Jimmy Benton and Mike Wilson.
*Recognized for their success in deer hunting were Kim Hinton and Stan Lowe.
*Panther Chatter staff members contributing to this issue were Dave Dockins, Jill Kemp (Morris), Kirk Dickey, Steve Pedigo, Donnie Riley, Dan Goodwin, Andy Guion, Susan Guion (Johnson), Leslie Page, Tom Williams, Cathy Wilkins (Ackerman), Nancy McEndre (Powell), Kathy Mayfield, Kathy White, John Noe and Kathy Pratt.

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