Students earn honors
By Jim Turner

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

The following is a compilation of honors and awards earned by local students. All the information came from school websites. Some schools don’t announce honors on their sites.

Logan County High School
In the KMEA Solo and Ensemble Festival held at Western Kentucky University, and Distinguished ratings went to soloists Hannah Crawford, Britny Cropper, Nicole Gregory, Jordan Imlay, Caitlynn Oberhausen and Abby Zibart. A Proficient rating in solo was given to Kayla Sumner. In the ensemble category, Distinguished ratings went to Bailey Scott andOberhausen. Proficient ratings in ensemble went to Nolan Kutzman, Thomas Stratton and Zibart.

A group of 21 LCHS seniors received reserved parking spots for the remainder of the school year as a reward for their earning a Distinguished score on the On Demand Writing portion of the CATS testing instrument: Ashley Adler, Cheyenne Bell, Charlotte Brindley, Mindy Canler, Nicky Head, Allen Lebo, Kayla MacAllister, Caitlynn Oberhausen, Sandra Sayne, Bailey Scott, Brianna Scott, Kierstyn Stanley, AJ Stewart, Brooke Stuart, Caitlyn Toon, Zack Turner, Meryl Wetton, Ethan White, Anna Wilkins, Maegan Williams & Christy Wilson .

The junior & senior FFA officers for the 2011-12 school year have been announced and are as follows:
Senior Officers
President: Emily Chambers, Vice President: Barrett Rogers, Secretary: Caroline Milam; Treasurer: Brenna Brown, Reporter:Megan Scarbrough, Sentinel: Amelia Wilson, Chaplain: Kelsey Blick, Parliamentarian: Addie Baldwin, 2nd Vice President: Jeff Tinsley; 3rd Vice President: Joe Faulkner
Junior Officers
Jr. Vice President: Amanda Shoemake, Jr. Secretary: Mallory Wright, Jr. Treasurer: Davey Vincent, Jr. Reporter: Taylor Tinsley, Jr. Sentinel: Austin Smotherman, Jr. Chaplain: Natalie Miles, Jr. Parliamentarian: Bradley Glover, Jr. 2nd Vice President: Shelby Baldwin, Jr. 3rd Vice President: Thomas Poole

The FFA recently competed in their Barren River Regional FFA Competition held at Western Kentucky University. In the category of Record Keeping, the team’s hard work paid off as they placed first- qualifying them for a trip to the FFA State competition which will be held at Rupp Arena this coming June. The Record Keeping team members are Kaitlynn Brown, Kristian Lyon,Courtney McReynolds & Savanna Woodall.

Polly Cowan was elected Third District Beta Club president. Meryl Wetton, Brooke Stuart and Brooke Thomas placed 3rd in group talent, Jacob Hopkins 1st in Agriculture, Shannon MacAllister placed 1st in speech, Kierstyn Stanley and Elizabeth Hardin each placed in arts and crafts.

Ashana Wynn , a junior at LCHS, has been chosen as a recipient of the Carter G. Woodson Enduring Legacy Award sponsored by Berea College.

Logan County High School students joined hundreds of high school juniors from across Kentucky to earn $1,000 academic scholarships in the “Drive the Dream” program, sponsored by GEAR UP Kentucky and the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority. Students from LCHS earned scholarships. They are Kelsey Blick, Kelsey Bond, Polly Cowan, Dalton Gunderson, Cameron Gunderson, Ryan Harper, Kaitlyn Howard, Jordan Imlay, Brittany Law, Amanda Lowe, Jacob Perry, Courtney Venable and Amelia Wilson.

March 6-8 the LCHS DECA club attended their state Career Development Conference. While there, students completed in a number of business oriented competitions placing in a variety of events. A partial list of winners included the following: 2nd place- KY Free Enterprise Economics:Aaron Johnson; 1st place- KY Marketing Fundamentals: Zack Turner;. 3rd place- DECA Quiz Bowl- Danielle Baker, Dakota Bray, Chris Oslonian & Jeff Stamps; 4th place- Hotel & Lodging Management Series:Cody Thurston; 1st place- KY Virtual Business Challenge, Retailing Round 1: Trevor Sowell, Tiffany Cherry & James Hewgley. 1st place- challenge, Retailing Round 2: Trevor Sowell.

Adairville BETA Members President Sydney Mimms, Vice President Emily Fugate, Secretary Carley Utley,Treasurer Ryan Orndorff, Reporter Katie Baker and Chaplain Jessica Link. Other members: Emily Crutchfield, Christine Fuston, Baylee Martin, Tori Mills, Nancy Santiago, Maddison Thaxton, Jackson Allen, Amber Anderson, Kristy Baker, Brooke Barnes, Talazia Boards, Jacob Burton, Dylan Byrum, Kelsey Chambers, Meagan Ferguson, Joseph Hallman, Laura Hendricks, Karina Holloman, Korbin Holloman, Isaac Howard, Zach Law, Christian Lynch, Lauren Macy, Grace McLellan, Katie Robertson, Will Robey, Jennifer Schrock, Brinkley Warren, Brianna Wooden, Lauren Batten, Ann-Meguiar Bouldin, Jackson Campbell, Amanda Crutchfield, Cole Johnson, Hannah Lawrence, Hanna Shelton, Janie Tyler, Sammy Walton, Madelyn Wharton, Jordan Woodard

Savannah Rogers
of Lewisburg School advanced to state competition in Written Composition.

Lewisburg was Grand Champion in District Governors’ Cup: Students who placed were: 1) Teresa Kidd in Social Studies, 1) Quick Recall, 2)Amethuyst Johnson in Compostion, 3) Savannah Rogers in Composition, Math and Language Arts 3) Holly Foster in Science, 5) Maegann Hardison in Composition, 3)) Future Problem Solving, 5) Gavin Dauley in Science,

Stevenson Elementary School
Academic team members who placed in Regional Governor’s Cup were Phillip Wilkerson, 5th in math and second in science; and Ashlee Gilbert.

In district academic competition, the elementary team, came in second place overall. Contest manager and coach Mandy Lee and FPS coach Holly Gilbert worked hard to not only coach their teams, but also to run the tournament. The FPS team placed second and the Quick Recall team third. Students who placed in individual events and advanced to regional play were Wilkerson - 1st in math and science; Ben Slack - 1st in Social Studies; Adam Williams -2nd in math; Skyler Hale - 4th Arts and Humanities; Dillon Porter - 4th in Language Arts; Gilbert - 5th in written composition; Brendan Farlee - 5th in Arts and humanities.

The Stevenson Elementary KKids Club, coordinated by the FRC, continues to meet regularly
at SES. This club, sponsored by the Russellville Logan County Kiwanis Club, meets twice
monthly. Once a month, the students carry on a regular business meeting, and they complete a service project for their second meeting. K-Kids Club officers this year are President Tara Gilbert, Vice President Caroline Baker, Secretary Ethan Paul and Treasurer Mateah Black.

Russellville High School
During National Beta Week (March 7-11), the RHS Beta Club completed service projects to benefit other people. One such project was “Love a Child, Feed a Child.” Under the student leadership of freshman Ethan Mullen, “Love a Child, Feed a Child” will benefit the children of Haiti by supplying food to the village.

The RHS Beta Club was the overall winner among the 12 schools in the district. The results
are: Science Test-Brandon Jennett-1st Place; Spelling Test-Phillip Crawford-2nd Place; Quiz Bowl- Ray VanZee, Lauren Swallows, John Corum, and Will Orndorff- 2nd Place; Solo Talent-Trey Farlee- 1st Place; CRAFTS: Sewing: Kelsey Harris-1st Place; Nametags: Mallory
Priddy and Shannon Pate -3rd Place; Photography-Color: Caleb Wills-2nd Place; Cartooning: Jeffrey Fox-1st Place;Christmas Tree Ornament-Julie Kahl-3rd Place; Jewelry: Kristen Coursey-2nd Place; Advertising DesignKyle Prince-1stPlace; Advertising Design: Lucas Celsor-3rd Place; Drawing-Charcoal: Laura Brown-1st Place; Drawing-Colored Pencil:Sydney Herndon-1st Place; Drawing-Colored Pencil: Jason Fox- 2nd Place; Drawing-Pastel: Emile Gill-3rd Place; Drawing-Pencil: John Corum-3rd Place; Decorations using recycled materials: Ethan Mullen-1st Place; Decorations using recycled materials: Jordon Pate-2nd Place; Embroidery-Counted Crossstitch: Mallory Bush- 2nd Place.

RHS DECA Club members made a very strong showing at the DECA State Conference, held at the Galt House in Louisville, A total of 42 students participated and 31 students placed in the top
five places. Students placing in first through fifth place received medallions and/or trophies. Twenty-one students qualified for competition in the National Conference, which takes place April 30 through May 3 in Orlando.
1st Place (State Only) D.J. Quarles, Travez Hampton, and Victor Hampton - KY Electronic
Advertising-Video; Dominique Harris and Kahlil Bell - Electronic Advertising-Audio
2nd Place (State only) LeeMarcus Bradshaw - KY Sales and Customer Service; Adam Taylor
and Philip Clemons
- KY Prepared Business Presentations
3rd Place (State Only) Mallory Priddy and Brandon Jennett- KY Web Page Advertising
1st Place: John Corum and Kimberly Baugh -Hospitality Services Team
2nd Place: Mallory Priddy, Shannon Pate, and Lindsey Hutchison - Hospitality/Tourism Operations Research; Lucas Celsor, McLean Shutt, and Elyse Brock - Sports/Entertainment Operations Research
3rd Place: Kathleen Noe and Lindsey Knuckles - Buying/Merchandising Operations Research’
Brittany Lyne and Jasmine Riggs - Internet Marketing Plan
4th Place: Taylor Kerr -Restaurant & Food Service Management; Kesi Neblett, Amber Sydnor, and Nathanshia Haskins - Entrepreneurship /Written Event
5th Place: Naomi Sells and Ron Todd -Financial Services Team; Jolecia Bigbee, Justice Turner and Alexis Spencer - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan

The RHS National Honor Society inducted five new members on Sunday, March 20. Newest members of NHS are Kesi Neblett, Kyle Harris, Caleb Wills, Sara Kahl, and John Corum.

RHS musical ‘Beauty and the Beast’
Russellville students will perform Beauty and the Beast, a stage musical based on the 1991 Disney movie, at deGraffenried Auditorium today and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. John Corum portrays the Beast and Sarah Fox is the Beauty, Belle.

The RHS Future Problem Solving Team placed second in the Region 2 Governor’s Cup Tournament and became eligible for participation in the state tournament. Members of the
team are seniors Sarah Fox, Kimberly Baugh, McLean Shutt, and John Corum. They are coached by Donna Gholson. Corum and Fox also placed in top spots in composition. Nick Skaggs, RHS academic team coach, officiated at the state quick recall tournaments. Parent Angie
Baugh accompanied the team to state.

Western Kentucky University
Charles Davenport
, a religious studies major from Russellville; was among 17 WKU geography and geology <> students participated in a fieldtrip through the Ozarks of southern Missouri and northern Arkansas as part of a Spring 2011 course in Geomorphology taught by Dr. Jason Polk. The purpose of the trip was to engage students in fieldwork related to fluvial and karst geomorphological processes and landforms, along with weathering and tectonic processes. The trip provided them with hands-on experience studying and understanding these complex landscapes.
The 41st Annual WKU Student Research Conference <> was the biggest in the event's history with 135 paper presentations and performances as well as 80 poster presentations and exhibits March 26 at Gary A. Ransdell Hall.
Among the undergraduates who won a prize for research was:
Amar Patel , a senior from Russellville, Poly(3-hexyl thiophene) and Perylenediimide Functionalized Siloxane and Bridged-Siloxane Nanoparticles, Best Undergraduate Paper in the Natural Sciences, Session 11

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